Form Collection

This library also supports dealing with multiple forms at once.

A FormCollection class accepts InnerForm

This makes it possible:

  • for forms to depend on each other
    • that is a form A cannot be validated before form B is validated.
    • that is a form A cannot be saved before form B is saved.
  • multiple forms get validated together.
  • multiple forms get saved together.


To use this library is very easy

In this example, the DependOnBasicForm requires the BasicForm to have been validated on the validation stage and be saved on saving stage.

 private class BasicForm extends InnerForm {
        public BasicForm() {

        public BasicForm(ValidatorInterface validator) {

        public String getIdentifier() {
            return "basic_form_id";

        public void save() throws FormException {
            // implement the saving logic, you have access to
            // getValues() returns a map of where key is the name of the field and the values

 private class DependOnBasicForm extends InnerForm {
        public DependOnBasicForm() {

        public DependOnBasicForm(ValidatorInterface validator) {

        public void save() throws FormException {
            // implement the saving logic, you have access to
            // getValues() returns a map of where key is the name of the field and the values

        public String getIdentifier() {
            return "depend_on_basic_form_id";

        public String[] requires() {
            return new String[]{"basic_form_id"}; // make this form depend on the basicform
FormCollection formCollection = new FormCollection();
// create instance of inner form
BasicForm basicform = new BasicForm();
DependOnBasicForm dependOnBasicForm = new DependOnBasicForm();

// add inner form to collection
    formCollection.getValues()// returns a map of where key is the name of the field and the values


     LinearLayout errorSpace = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;
     errorSpace.removeAllViews();// clear space first

     ErrorRenderer errorRenderer = new ErrorRenderer(this, formCollection.getValidator());
    try{ // save
    } catch (FormException e) {


    LinearLayout errorSpace = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;
    errorSpace.removeAllViews();// clear space first

    ErrorRenderer errorRenderer = new ErrorRenderer(this, formCollection.getValidator());